Maidstone Borough Council have published their Integrated Transport Strategy Public Consultation 2012 and Core Strategy Strategic Site Allocations: Public Consultation 2012.
The proposed work affects several areas of Maidstone and is likely to cause severe disruption to our everyday lives both whilst it is being done (if it does get done) and afterwards, if the infrastructure is not put in place to cope with both increased population and road traffic in the areas concerned.
If you object to or have any concerns about any of the developments, now is the time to speak up (you have until the 1st of October)
The controversial "junction 8" proposals are included.
The links are
Integrated Transport Strategy Public Consultation 2012
Details here
Core Strategy Strategic Site Allocations: Public Consultation 2012
Details here
The documents can be seen at Maidstone Gateway, King Street, Maidstone, Kent ME15 6JQ. The offices are open Monday to Wednesday 8.30am to 5:30pm, Thursday 8.30am to 7pm, Friday 8.30am to 5.30pm and Saturday 9am to 1pm. Copies of the documents will also be available at all libraries in the borough during normal opening hours.
Exhibitions staffed by council officers will be held in the following locations:
The Mall Chequers, King Street
30 August
10am - 4pm
Maidstone Gateway, King Street
31 August
10am - 4pm
Heather House, Bicknor Road, Park Wood (Reed Hall)
5 September
11am - 6:45pm
Morrisons, Sutton Road, Park Wood
5 September
12noon - 2pm
Oakwood House, Oakwood Park (Garden Room)
7 September
11am - 8pm
Mercure Hotel, Ashford Road, Hollingbourne (County Suite)
10 September
11am - 8pm
Hilton Hotel, Bearsted Road (Allington Room)
12 September
11am - 8pm
More details here
You can submit your comments online
here You will need to sign in. There is also a document that you can print out and send in the post.
This is your chance to have a say in the future of your town. Please use it.